In recent years, state and autonomous community regulations have promoted the implementation of equality plans -limiting the scope contemplated until now- and compliance with guidelines on guaranteeing equal pay or action in the face of sexual harassment. In addition, the international scene has made compliance with the principle of equal treatment and opportunities for women and men a priority through strategies such as the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals.
In response to these mandates, organisations must implement strategies that guarantee compliance with these standards and position themselves in a scenario of opportunity in terms of innovation, sustainability and diversity. And that is where we can help you.
We accompany you in the definition and implementation of your organisation’s equality strategy and we advise you on how to access calls for proposals and grants from different public bodies. We develop a methodology adapted to the needs of each organisation and following the guidelines of the bodies responsible for the application and development of public policies to promote equality of EMAKUNDE (Basque Women’s Institute) and the Ministry of Equality.
PROSPEKTIKER is a consultancy firm approved by the Basque Government to advise companies and organisations on equality. We incorporate the legal and sustainability vision, offering a comprehensive service.
We offer you support and assistance for any kind of need in these areas:
Rosa García, Dpto. de Capital Humano
Advising more than 30 companies and public bodies on their equality plans in the last 5 years
Comprehensive approach: legal vision and sustainability
We are part of the BAI SAREA Network of Basque companies for equality
Acknowledgements as a Collaborating Entity with equality and approved consultant (Basque Government)
Versatility: coordination, management and technical assistance